
Limited Campus Opening Friday, January 10
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Salisbury's Promise Hosts Mobile Learning Center Feb. 3-4

SALISBURY, MD---Salisbury’s Promise, in conjunction with Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board, the Maryland State Mentoring Partnership, and ShoreCorps/PALS at Salisbury University, is sponsoring two days of career exploration for Wicomico County high school students on Thursday-Friday, February 3-4.

A Mobile Learning Center, equipped with 11 computers with satellite Internet connections, will travel to Wicomico, Parkside, Bennett and Mardela high schools. The interactive learning center will provide non-college bound seniors with inventory assessments, Internet-based job searches, and information about preparing for job applications and resumes. The Mobile Learning Center also will provide information to students on interviewing skills and workplace scenarios.

Salisbury’s Promise, a branch of America’s Promise, embodies Five Promises which will help youth become productive citizens: Caring Adults, Healthy Start and Future, Safe Places, Marketable Skills and Opportunities to Serve. This experience provides over 100 local students with Marketable Skills through effective education about career acquisition tools and opportunities. 

The schedule for the Mobile Learning Center is:

February 3, - Wicomico High School: 8:30-11 a.m.

Parkside High School: 12:30-3 p.m. 

February 4, - James M. Bennett High School: 8:30-11 a.m.

Mardela Junior/Senior High School: 1-3 p.m. For more information about Salisbury’s Promise please contact Erin McKenzie, coordinator, at 410-677-5396 or visit www.salisburyspromise.org. "